Wednesday, 1 May 2013

                     Peace of mind, or pieces of mind?

Once again, its Sudarshan Kriya that has triggered me to blog- after an almost one year hiatus, to share my beautiful experience with Art of Living.

But, it was not with the “Soham” tape recording with G, it was Live Mahakriya with him in front of us.. Can it be any better? Most of my AOL experiences are “once in a lifetime”, because its best then and only keeps getting better every time..

G came to Singapore, after the advanced course at Bali (supposed to be the best advanced course experience, meditation beside C and G! :) The event organized in a five star hotel was attended by a multiethnic crowd counting over three thousand.. The program started with Adam’s simple Yoga asanas to warm us up..

G knew how to grab the attention with his entry :) His overwhelming presence moved people to tears. He punned when someone put a garland on him, he in turn made her wear the garland said – “You get back what you give”. :D We started with pranayama, he taught us a new one, then we did sudarshan kriya with him- it was a state of trance- conscious but thoughtlessness! Amazing Experience! Totally recommended to all of you..

Art of Living R & D has developed "Shakti Drops" which g introduced to us today. G called random people including a doctor onto the stage to demonstrate the magic! G asked them to keep their hand straight, and G would try to push it down, and they have to resist. Some of them were old, they couldn't resist much.. G applied the drops on their hands, and after that they resisted his push well enough! 

The drops are made of three herbs and its supposed to boost your immune system.. Research studies done on cancer patients in Tata Memorial Institue of Cancer, Mumbai shows its as effective as chemotherapy in killing the cancer cells and also selective! They will be publishing it soon.. The drops are however not recommended for people suffering from auto immune disorders.

Q and A's from the audience followed and G was his witty self as always! Soon enough, it was time for G to leave and take the charm of the morning back with him.. Then we did some special meditation with Swami Gnantej which was awesome too. The program ended with “Radha Raman Hari Bol” in Swami Gnantej’s magnetic voice. People were singing, dancing and swaying in the tunes of joy…

I have been a lot stressed in the past few weeks, and this event gave me the much needed rejuvenation and relaxation.. Jaigurudev!

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